Katerina Blogs: Election fever

Katerina blogs

As you night have noticed, the campus is in pre election fever! Have you already voted? I have! I find the online voting system very handy. And I am sure it is very handy for the candidates as well.
They can walk around the campus holding their smartphones, laptops or fancy tablets and seek for votes. This is what I call direct democracy! The ability to vote right on the spot, with the candidate next to you, so that he or she makes sure you actually voted for them.
I was in campus yesterday so I had the chance to observe their campaign strategies. Very dynamic!Basically, they were ambushing potential voters, sometimes even stalking them, holding their laptops and apparently trying to convince them to vote (they were speaking dutch so I am not entirely sure; maybe they wanted them to be their facebook friends).
One friend told me that when a candidate approached her, she simply asked him why she should vote for him. His response was “I really want to get into the council”. That was very convincing!And indeed an unbeatable argument!
So even if you have forgotten to vote, don’t worry! I am sure you’ll find a mobile device with a ‘political agenda’ attached to it, to exercise your democratic right.

[Katerina Petropoulou (25) studies Business Communication and Digital Media at Tilburg University and blogs for Univers.]

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