Strong growth in preliminary applications

Tilburg University carefully keeps track of the number of preliminary applications. The number is now 1195. Compared to last year, this is a 40.9 percent growth.A preliminary application is a provisional application by a new student. The numbers are based on Studielink counts and regard next academic year (2016/2017). Final numbers will be available around October.

Because students tend to apply for multiple universities, the numbers are corrected by Studielink. Students that have applied for two universities count half in the number of application for those universities; students with three applications for a third, etc. Moreover, the system only counts students who apply for the first time. Switchers and transfer students do not count.

Strong growth
The ranking of most new bachelor students is headed by Maastricht University (5201), followed by the University of Groningen (4678), Erasmus University Rotterdam (4477) and Utrecht University (4301). Tilburg University holds eleventh place, with 1195 preliminary applications. Consequently, TilburgU has a market share of 3.3 percent by 19 March.

With that, Tilburg is performing much better than in the past two years. Last year, around this time, the number was 848. That means that it has grown by 40.9 percent. In 2014, the number of preliminary applications was 816.

Except for Theology (again 2 applications), all Tilburg schools profit from the growth. TiSEM has the most applications (582), followed by TSB (284) and TLS (225). TSB grows significantly, last year, it had 159. Psychology almost doubles: from 85 to 166.


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