Uni council votes in favor of cutback plan

The student parties had a big vote in the Executive Board’s cost-cutting measures that will mostly affect employees. Last Friday, Sam and Front and employee party Onafhankelijken (Independents) approved the cutback plan. Union Abvakabo voted against it.

Union Abvakabo keeps questioning the amount of cuts (not well founded), and how most savings are too much at the expense of the service departments. It also thinks that the necessity for a reorganization is not well explained.

Attracting foreign students, which is heavily loss making, should be reconsidered, according to Abvakabo. Rector Philip Eijlander noted that everything is done to reduce these costs.

It remained exciting for a long time whether the Onafhankelijken would vote for or against. All the representative parties urged the Board to better organize the university council’s participation during the budget cut process. After the Executive Board’s promise, the student parties and party Onafhankelijken voted in favor of the plan.


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