Results elections in UK could be bad for Erasmus program
David Cameron won the UK elections decisively last week and has given his party a majority in the British government. In 2017, Cameron wants to hold an in-out referendum on membership of the European Union. This could be bad news for British universities.If the United Kingdom steps out of the European Union, the universities will no longer be able to get funding from the Erasmus program and the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
According to University World News, 14% of the academic staff at UK universities comes from other countries in the EU and 125.000 EU students are doing their studies in the UK. After the election results were announced, Universities UK announced a campaign that has to convince British people of the benefits of an EU membership. “We have more influence around the world as part of this network, and more impact on the rules that affect how we collaborate with our largest trade, education and research partners,” they said.
One of the big reasons for the EU skepticism is the free immigration it enables. Under EU rules, it is impossible to restrict immigration from within the EU.