24/7 campus: are you interested?
The campus opening hours have been expanded over the past years. The university library and Montesquieu building are opened longer. Some people fantasize about an even bolder plan: a 24/7 campus. But do TiU students want a campus that is always open?Jelle van ’t Ooster (TiSEM) is positive about a 24/7 campus. “At first sight, it seems like a good idea. At second sight as well, by the way. It might be inconvenient for security, but they are used to night shifts. Every student should be able to study whenever they want, so this is a nice initiative. Although, I am not going to attend classes at night or in the weekends. Weekend is weekend, people have other obligations then. Besides, students that live close to campus will not use the 24/7 facilities much, since they go back and forth easily. If this becomes reality, deliberation with students is necessary. They can decide about this. And maybe, this should not be done in one step. Maybe building it up is better, so you can see what works and what does not.”
“Weekend is weekend”
For international students, a 24/7 campus can also be seen as an advantage. They are only here for a short time, and make more study hours. Sisi Liu (TSH) can relate to that. “A campus that is open all day offers more flexibility. International students often live close to campus, so studying in the weekends is ideal for them. Also, international students have less obligations than Dutch students, who have a part-time job and sports on the weekends.”
German Shan Huang (TLS) agrees with Sisi. “Internationals are more often in the library in the weekends, me included. A 24 hour campus is something I am very interested in. That way, you can study on after a night class.”
Anneloe Traas (TiSEM) thinks the measure is unnecessary. “This is not for me. Around 10 or 11 o’clock, I am done studying. There are night classes at university already. We do not need more of those either. The way it is now, is fine.”