Tilburg’s fun fair mess eternalized on Google Street View
A Google Street View car drove through Tilburg at the worst possible time: the day after the yearly fun fair.
During the annual Kermis, the biggest fun fair in the country, Tilburgers traditionally make a monumental mess. Thanks to a Google Street View car with a terrible sense of timing, the morning-after clatter of plastic cups, empty bottles, tin cans and fast food wrappings is now eternalized on the internet.
“People all over the world can now stroll through dirty Tilburg – the city of wet cardboard boxes and trucks parked sideways on the street”, regional newspaper Brabants Dagblad wrote. The newspaper cynically thanked Street View for making tourists stay away, “just when Tilburg was beginning to become hip and happening”.
Judging from the comments on the Facebook page and website of the newspaper, not all Tilburgers blame Google. One reader commented: “That’s what the Korvelseweg looks like every week.” And, another: “Street View didn’t make that mess, did it? The Tilburgers did.”[vc_column width=”100%”>