Straight Pride

June has finally come. This means not only slightly better odds for good weather and the nearing end of the semester, but also: Pride month!

Leanne Soff banner

This month-long celebration of all the proud LGBTQ+’ers shouldn’t need any justification. If, as a group, you have been ostracized and abused since forever, a little pushback and reclaiming of your identity only seems fair. As a straight, cisgender person, I recognize that me and my privileged position do not necessarily belong to this group. Which is fine, it shouldn’t be about me, I’m totally happy cheering this on from the sideline.

But then, a new initiative was brought to life: Straight pride. No longer do I get to be just a cheerful spectator to this rainbow-colored spectacle. I now apparently also have to pe proud of something that, frankly, I have very little feelings of pride towards. Not being LGBTQ+ automatically puts me in this straight group, and I tell you what, this Straight Pride doesn’t look nearly as fun as Gay Pride. Let’s take a look at the fun merchandise that us straighties get to wear oh so proudly:



That’s right. While the LGBTQ+ community gets to look like a happy explosion of colors, we get to make a statement in this lifeless mess. That’ll teach ‘em! Now what will we do to celebrate our straightness? Will we dance awkwardly in black and white confetti? No, it’s even better! According to the UK Group promoting straight pride “Straight Pride, is normal everyday people, dressed normally, walking normally, to raise awareness of being straight, and being PROUD to be heterosexual.”

So Gay Pride gets rainbows, dancing and celebrating, and as a comeback, we are actively going out to collectively be boring? No thank you. I want no part of this.

And so, I would like to ask you, dearest LGBTQ+ community, can I please join your club? I know I don’t really meet the requirements, being straight and all, and I know I haven’t lived through the struggle like you have, but I just… I really don’t want to be a part of Straight Pride. And isn’t Gay Pride supposed to be a general celebration of love and inclusivity anyway? I promise the spotlight can stay on you. I’d just like to borrow the tiniest part of your rainbow. Please?


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