New university coronavirus measures: tightening the policy
The coronavirus policy of Tilburg University was slightly tightened on Tuesday evening. For education not much changes yet; however, a number of measures that were eased are reversed.

In the past month, the coronavirus has been on the rise again. Also in Tilburg, the number of infections is increasing. These new infections mainly take place outside the university, at drinks gatherings and other meetings, Tilburg University concludes. And that is why the current policy can remain partly intact. Physical education and exams remain possible in accordance with the social distancing rule. However, the maximum number of participants at PhD defense and graduation ceremonies will be reduced from 90 to 30.
For graduation ceremonies and inaugural lectures, caution is advocated. And the possibility for postponement or meetings without or with very little audience is kept open. Meanwhile, sports in the Sports Center remain possible, but audiences are not welcome. A drink after training is also no longer possible: canteens are closed. A cup of coffee or a beer at the Esplanade is still possible, but reservations can only be made for a maximum of four people.
Scientists and support staff are expected to work from home. Working on campus is only allowed when there is no other option, for example, researchers who work in a laboratory and lecturers providing education. Employees who cannot work from home due to personal circumstances are also allowed to come to the campus.
Work in progress
In the current coronavirus alarm phase, the measures can change nationally, regionally, locally, and, therefore, also at Tilburg University by the day. The policy has a high work-in-progress level. Due to the increased threat of infection, the university is in any case asking staff and students to adhere to the coronavirus measures.
Translated by Language Center, Riet Bettonviel