Singing, boozing, and a sultry summer evening in the Spoorpark: End-of-Year Cantus 2022
Nothing online, hybrid, or otherwise remote anymore. On Friday, June 17, there was another old-fashioned End-of-Year Cantus. Shoulder to shoulder again, as musician Guus Meeuwis sang. He himself has been living proof since 1994 that singing, drinking, and Tilburg make an excellent combination. So, thousands of students put on their oldest clothes or association T-shirts, went to the Spoorpark and opened their throats for beer and singing. Univers-photographer Jack Tummers saw and heard it all and took these pictures.
Give me your glass now, I’ll give you beer in return – The End-of-Year Cantus is about to begin. Everyone is still sober, and their clothes are still dry. Some students are so important that they sit at the VIP table. A great honor: there’s even water there!
Kedeng, Kedeng Kedeng, Kedeng, Kedeng Oe Oe – We sing, we dance, the cantus is gaining steam. A first tentative polonaise of law students swings between the benches.
Can I dance with you? I’ve got pitchers from the Spoorpark and a song in my head – The audience is on the benches, the mood is coming. Some are even on the table already. Others are strategic and thinking about beer and logistics. They’re carrying pitchers and are not wearing one of those fancy green Asset Strategy & Logistics shirts.
It’s raining meters of beer. So, it’s pump or no more drinking, so bring those pitchers over here – Singing makes you thirsty, many throats need to be lubricated. So, today’s Tilburger also walks around with their little jar.
Let’s touch glasses, to the women, because in the women there is music – The evening falls, the music continues, the mood is pretty much set. White and purple pitchers go into the air. Cheers! Or, who needs some?
It is a night that you normally only see in Tilburg, a night that is joined by the most beautiful song – The songs are sung, but the tongues are still loose. It’s all very well having a cantus, but in the end, it derails into a very pleasant night.
I’m sitting here alone in a dead silent city (Everyone is sitting in the Spoorpark and slowly getting drunk) – A sultry summer evening, exams behind us. The bars are working overtime and the Band with Benefits is playing music. Roommates: don’t stay awake, it may take a while.