Thijl van der Rijken, Front: ‘Lectures need to become more useful’

Thijl van der Rijken, Front: ‘Lectures need to become more useful’

More interactive and digital education, a buddy system, and a fair chance to study abroad. According to Party Front’s leading candidate, Thijl van der Rijken, the University should be more attentive to active students: ‘Front believes it is important for students to have a broad orientation and development.’

Thijl van der Rijken. Image Dolph Cantrijn

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What should be different about Tilburg University?

‘Front aims to focus more on interactive education in the coming years. Students report that lectures on campus take too long, are boring, or that a lecturer reads PowerPoint slides verbatim. Lectures should become a lot more useful than they are now. Then, many more students will also come to campus to physically attend the lectures.

‘To Front, it seems a good idea for lecturers to share knowledge clips with students prior to the physical lecture. In such a clip, the student is explained the material and can write down any questions. During the physical lecture, there is an opportunity to go deeper into the material and ask questions.

The party leaders

It’s almost election time on campus again. From faculty council and division committee to university council: from April 16 to 18, students and employees will choose who will represent their interests in the participation councils of Tilburg University.

In the run-up to the election week, Univers publishes interviews with the party leaders of the participation parties. Who are they and what do they stand for? And how will the parties help the university and its students and employees move forward?

‘Front believes this will yield better study results. In fact, scientific research shows that, when you listen to someone, you remember only fifty percent of what was said. In contrast, when you are interacting, that percentage is much higher: between seventy and ninety percent.’

What is going well?

‘Tilburg is a relatively small city with many study and student associations, so there is a suitable association for everyone. The associations also have a lot of contact with each other. Because of this, Tilburg has a close-knit student community, and students really feel at home.’

Student associations are regularly in the news in a negative way. Sexist speeches, transgressive behavior, and hazing that gets out of hand. How attractive is it still for students to join a study or student association?

‘When a student joins a study or student association, they should not have to worry about this. In contrast, the revelations from Utrecht (where members of the Utrecht Student Corps distributed a Banga List, ed.) prove otherwise. This is not what it is about at all. A culture change is important: student life should be about making friends and exchanging ideas.

‘To ensure a safe student experience, all Tilburg associations have appointed a confidential advisor over the past year. Students who have an unpleasant experience or want to share something can turn to this person. Front arranged for these confidential advisors to receive professional training and has thus made an important contribution to creating a safe atmosphere within associations.’

What else has Front accomplished for students so far?

‘Front believes that it is important for students to have a broad orientation and development. The choice in minors is limited for students because they often have to choose a minor within their own School. On Front’s initiative, students will be able to choose minors outside their own Schools in the future. Last year, students from a wide variety of disciplines and Schools were already able to take the minor Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach.

‘In addition, Front believes that students should not be judged solely on their grade list when they want to study abroad. In the past, Tilburg University made a selection based on your average: the higher your grade, the greater the chance that you could go to your preferred international university.

‘A good student does not just sit with his nose in a book’

‘Front believes that a CV and motivation letter should be taken into account in the selection process: a good student does not just sit with his nose in a book. The initiative was adopted by the University Council. At the moment, Front is still in consultation with the University about the concrete details of the new procedure.

‘Students who are informal caregivers, work a lot, have been a board member, or do volunteer work also have a chance to study at their preferred university this way.’

What will Front be working on in the coming period?

‘In addition to the need for more interactive education, Front is also going to push for more digitalization of education. We want students who have many obligations in addition to their studies to be able to follow their studies as well as possible. For example, by allowing them to watch a lecture independently at a later stage.

‘We recently submitted a letter in which we ask attention for special students—such as the aforementioned caregivers—so that they are better facilitated by the University.

‘Tilburg University claims to have blended learning high on its agenda in its policy plans. Front believes that the university is working on this, but for students these ‘developments’ are not very noticeable yet. This must be improved.

‘A second issue Front will focus on is a buddy system for international students. We believe that international students can sometimes use an additional helping hand. When they are paired with a Tilburg student, he or she can help them on their way before and during their stay in the Netherlands.’

Why do students need to vote for Front?

‘Front is really focused on the active student. We believe that students develop better when they do not just sit with their noses in a book, but can also work, volunteer, study abroad, or take on a board position. Front is committed to making this practically possible for these students.’

Translated by Language Center, Riet Bettonviel


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