With Lilly Schurman, students get a voice in university administration

With Lilly Schurman, students get a voice in university administration

Tilburg university could suddenly become a lot more student-friendly. Since this month, the Executive Board has been reinforced with a Student Assessor, Lilly Schurman. She will help and advise the board in the decision making process, especially from the student’s perspective. At other universities and the Tilburg faculty boards there have been Student Assessors for several years, but it is new for the Executive Board.

Photography: Jack Tummers

Lilly Schurman (23) is working on two bachelor’s degrees, Public Administration and Law. She says being a Student Assessor is an ideal position for her. “I was looking for a part-time job that fits in well with my studies. This really suits me. It is a new position that still needs to be defined. The experience I have will come in handy for this. I have already written a policy advice for the municipality of Tilburg. And I am also an assistant for the board of a political party, BIJ1. I am now working on an election manual.”

For twelve hours a week Schurman is the student voice on the Executive Board. She enjoyed the first meetings. She also has met with the student parties. As far as she is concerned, more will follow. “I hope that there will be a dynamic that contact not only comes from me, but that they also contact me to discuss things.”

For Schurman, her ambitions for the coming year are clear. Making sure students are heard. “I have the feeling that the university can be listening to students a lot more. The university really should be there for the students. I hope to be able to contribute to that this year.”


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