Tilburg vote-getter Lahlah number two on the GroenLinks-PvdA list in parliamentary elections
Tilburg alderman Esmah Lahlah is the surprising number two on the list of the brand new party combination GroenLinks-PvdA for the upcoming parliamentary elections. Last year she was the big winner of the municipal elections in Tilburg with GroenLinks.
Lahlah received her PhD from Tilburg University in 2013 and was an assistant professor of Victimology in the years that followed. In 2018 she switched to politics and became a non-partisan alderman in Tilburg. During that period she lived on social assistance benefits for a month to experience what that is like. She spoke about this extensively in an Univers podcast.
In 2021, Lahlah decided to join GroenLinks. As party leader, she won the municipal elections the following year, receiving 21 percent of the votes and ten seats for GroenLinks.
Lahlah is currently alderman for Social Security, Equality of Opportunity and Talent Development and deputy mayor. But with that second place on the electoral list, it looks like she will leave for The Hague in November.