Palestine Solidarity Tilburg Occupies Corridor Leading to Cobbenhagen Building

Palestine Solidarity Tilburg Occupies Corridor Leading to Cobbenhagen Building

Palestine Solidarity Tilburg is demonstrating on campus. The activist group is dissatisfied with the decisions made by the Executive Board and intends to hand over an open letter, signed by supporters, to the board. “Either Wim van de Donk comes to meet us personally, or he agrees to a public debate,” says the group.

The activist group Palestine Solidarity Tilburg is occupying the corridor leading to the Cobbenhagen Building. Image: Univers

The activist group Palestine Solidarity Tilburg (PST) is currently occupying the corridor leading to the Cobbenhagen Building. The doors were closed earlier by security for safety reasons, and now PST is waiting for them to reopen. “We will stay here until the Executive Board (CvB) is ready to accept our letter,” says PST leader Rami Fransawi. The protesters have brought water bottles and puzzle books. “We’re not in a rush,” adds Fransawi.

PST is, to say the least, displeased with Tilburg University’s (TiU) decision. “The university is once again saying ‘f*** you’ to its students,” the group wrote on Instagram. The demonstration, which took place earlier today on campus, was halted at the doors of the Cobbenhagen Building.

TiU’s ‘Delay Tactics’

Although the advisory committee recommended that TiU distance itself from Israeli universities due to human rights violations, the Executive Board wants to have a “proper conversation” with its Israeli partners first. Fransawi calls this a delay tactic.

“The advice is certainly progress. But the fact that a self-appointed advisory committee cannot avoid recommending the severing of ties shows how overwhelming the evidence is,” the spokesperson adds.

Protester Jens fully agrees: “We see this as just another tactic to delay things. They’re not taking us seriously. This applies to both the advisory board and all the investigations into the current situation in Gaza.”

Letter for Wim van de Donk

Earlier today, PST invited the Executive Board to meet them at the bridge near the library. The group wanted to hand over an open letter with signatures. Their demands remain the same: a full academic boycott of all Israeli partners due to their complicity in the genocide in Gaza.

However, the Executive Board did not show up at the library bridge. As a result, the group of demonstrators made their way to the Cobbenhagen Building, where Wim van de Donk’s office is located, intending to deliver the letter there. But security locked down the entire building.

Food Ordered

Fransawi from PST said the university has two options: “Either Wim van de Donk comes to us personally, or he agrees to a public debate with us on an academic boycott.” Fransawi confirms that PST will remain on campus until they receive an answer. “We’ve already ordered food.”

Univers is following the demonstration and will provide further updates later.


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